Elderly Care Specialized support for senior citizens, including mobility assistance, medication management, and daily care.
Post-Surgical Care Wound dressing, monitoring vitals, and rehabilitation support for smooth recovery.
Tracheostomy & Ventilator Care Expert respiratory support and airway management for patients with critical care needs.
IV Therapy & Injections Safe administration of IV fluids, injections, and medications at home.
Diabetes & Hypertension Care Regular monitoring, diet planning, and medication management for chronic conditions.
Palliative & End-of-Life Care Compassionate support for patients with terminal illnesses, ensuring comfort and dignity.
At Bethesda Healthcare, we are committed to providing round-the-clock nursing care with a focus on patient well-being, safety, and recovery. Our team of certified nurses ensures the highest standard of medical assistance, helping patients regain independence and improve their quality of life.